new moon love notes - march 2023


me-made wardrobe NOTES

check out the me-made wardrobe mini course and the sanctuary hub’s custom-fit knee-high sock class for more support, both in the creative coven community! and stock up on your own sock drawer here.

on my needles

find more patterns here and yarn and notions in the shop! if natural yarns intimidate you, check out the knitting with natural yarns masterclass.

dye pot notes

check the creative coven community’s colour journal for my dye recipes, dye profiles, and more! and if you’re a #plantwitch, check out natural dyeing 101 and natural dye supplies in the store.

#bosswitch notes

  • the creative coven’s refresh is officially getting celebrated next week!

  • sanctuary’s photoshoot is next month! test knitting has started, final samples/props/decor are getting tidied up, and we’ll be running a crowdfunding campaign in may so we can finally print this book baby!

  • use code PLAYTIME to join us for a free month in the creative coven community - our next live round of the creative coven challenge will be april 10-14!

if you’re looking to start your own design biz, the creative coven’s doors are open 24/7.

witch life

  • hand stitching a naturally dyed quilt

  • sooooooooo many books! (check out the virtual bookshelves in the community for more of my favourites, and this etsy shop for those slavic books i mention)

the community is the best place to find my favourite things, from recipes to tutorials to book recommendations.

teeny tiny coven NOTES

  • teeny tiny birch bark-bound books

  • teeny tiny botanical embroidery projects

  • a bed frame made from clothespins and popsicle sticks

  • a woven foraging basket made with birch bark, wire, corn husks, and silk velvet

check out the teeny tiny coven in the creative coven community for more!

subscribe to my youtube channel to stay up to date with new releases, join the newsletter to stay up to date with all of my adventures in real time, and join us in the community to find your community of fibre witches and oodles of goodies, resources, exclusive courses, and more!

ash alberg