Become a fibre witch
creative coven
tired of a regular 9-to-5 job that doesn’t value your work OR your worth? wish you could support your family AND your community with a creative career? do you dream about spending your days knitting while binging your favourite podcasts? want a job that lets you choose to take your dog for a walk or the kids for a hike anytime the weather gets nice?
do you want to:
get confident with your pattern writing
get shit done (with monthly co-working sessions to help keep you on track)
be your own boss
and build your sustainable long-term life as a knitwear designer
knitting with natural yarns masterclass
have you been wanting to knit with natural yarns but been wondering:
🧐 wtf IS a "natural" yarn?
🧐 how do you use them in your favourite knitting patterns?
🧐 just what the hell's so bad about superwash anyway?
if the answer is yes, this class is for YOU!
natural dyeing 101
do you want to dye things but just don’t know where to start?
are you overwhelmed by all there is to learn?
do you want to know what local plants can give you a rainbow on your yarn or fabric?
love the idea of natural dyeing, but don’t know how to get started in your tiny apartment and feel like you need to wait for the giant garden with the dedicated kitchen to even try?
want to learn the step-by-steps of natural dyeing and the why and history around it too?
find mini classes and connect with other fibre witches
in the creative coven community!
get 24/7 access to the me-made wardrobe mini course, custom-fit knee-high sock class, natural dye monographs and recipes, tutorials, recipes, and more, plus join our crew of fellow fibre witches for monthly knit/craft nights via zoom!